NIST Assessment and Gap Analysis

Our Cyber Security NIST CSF Framework Gap Analysis identifies gaps and vulnerabilities in your practices, providing actionable recommendations to enhance your cyber security posture and align with NIST guidelines. Strengthen your security measures and protect your organisation with our comprehensive assessment.

NIST compliance

Our NIST Assessment and Gap Analysis service provides you with a thorough evaluation of your organisation's cybersecurity posture, guided by industry standards. Leveraging the expertise of our seasoned cybersecurity professionals, who have over 25 years of experience working with Australian organisations of all sizes, we identify gaps and vulnerabilities in your current security framework.

With our NIST Risk Assessment and Gap Analysis, you’ll benefit from detailed insights, actionable recommendations, and a strategic roadmap to enhance your cybersecurity defences. Our proven track record in helping secure Australian companies ensures that your business will be well-equipped to address and mitigate risks, ensuring compliance and robust protection. Partner with us to fortify your cybersecurity strategy and safeguard your valuable assets.

Ensure your organisation's cybersecurity aligns with industry standards through Siege Cyber's NIST Assessment (Gap Analysis) service. Our experts will identify gaps in your security posture and provide actionable recommendations to enhance your defences. For NIST certification and comprehensive insights on how our NIST compliance can fortify your cybersecurity strategy, download our detailed datasheet today.

NIST CSF Framework Gap Analysis

Initial Consultation:

Objective: Understand your business environment and specific cybersecurity needs.

NIST Framework Gap Analysis:

Objective: Identify gaps between the current security posture and the NIST CSF.

  • Current State Review: Evaluate existing policies, processes, and technologies.
  • NIST CSF Mapping: Map existing controls to the NIST CSF categories and subcategories.

Cybersecurity NIST Framework Assessment:

Objective: Conduct a detailed assessment of the organisation's cybersecurity posture using the NIST CSF.

Recommendations and Roadmap:

Objective: Provide a detailed roadmap for improving the company’s cybersecurity posture.

  • Gap Remediation Plan: Specific actions to address identified gaps for NIST certification.
  • Implementation Roadmap: Detailed plan for implementing NIST CSF controls.
  • Budget and Resources: Estimation of costs and resources required.

Implementation Support:

Objective: Assist with advice on implementing recommended cybersecurity measures.

  • Project Management: Overseeing the implementation process.
  • Technical Assistance: Providing technical expertise and support.
  • Training and Awareness: Enhancing the organisation's cybersecurity culture.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:

Objective: Ensure ongoing cybersecurity resilience and adherence to the NIST CSF.

  • Regular Assessments: Periodic reviews and updates of the cybersecurity posture.
  • Incident Response Drills: Simulated exercises to test and improve response capabilities.
  • Metrics and Reporting: Tracking and reporting on key performance indicators.


By partnering with Siege Cyber, organisations can enhance their cybersecurity maturity and ensure compliance with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. Our comprehensive approach includes detailed assessments, tailored recommendations, and ongoing support, providing a robust foundation for safeguarding critical assets and data.