
The ASD Essential 8 Requirements

Cybersecurity threats are evolving at a rapid pace, and businesses, along with cybersecurity professionals, are under pressure to defend assets with the most effective strategies available. In this context, the Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD) Essential 8 framework stands as a beacon of proactive defence in an unpredictable digital environment. This post aims to unravel the Essential 8 requirements, elucidating their critical role in fortifying cyber defences.

Overview of ASD Essential 8

The ASD Essential 8 is a set of strategies that serve as the baseline for robust cybersecurity defence mechanisms. Its implementation is pivotal for organisations aiming to mitigate the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks significantly. Here, we will explore each requirement, showcasing the necessity of integrating them into your cybersecurity protocols.

  • Application Whitelisting

Application whitelisting is the practice of specifying an index of approved software applications that are allowed to be active and run on a system. It’s akin to having a guest list for a secure party; if the app isn’t on the list, it isn’t getting in. The primary benefit of this is the creation of an environment where only trusted applications can execute, providing a rigid shield against malware and unauthorised software.

  • Patching Applications

Applications, just like humans, have vulnerabilities that need to be ‘healed’ or patched up to prevent exploitation. Keeping software up-to-date is akin to keeping your immune system strong against viruses. Failing to do so leaves the door ajar for cyber attackers to slip through the cracks.

  • Configuring Microsoft Office Macro Settings

Macros can be quite useful for automating repetitive tasks in Microsoft Office, yet they can also serve as a vector for malicious code. Fine-tuning macro settings can significantly diminish the risk of macro-based malware infiltrating your network. It’s the careful calibration between convenience and security.

  • User Application Hardening

This step involves reducing the attack surface of user applications, ensuring they are configured with minimal exposure to cyber threats. It’s about armoring your applications, reinforcing the weak spots, and turning them into a fortress. User application hardening can include measures like disabling unneeded features and controls within software to prevent exploitation.

  • Restricting Administrative Privileges

In cyber warfare, administrative privileges are the holy grail for attackers. With great power comes great responsibility, and thus, granting admin rights must be done judiciously. Implementing least privilege principles ensures that users have just enough access to perform their job, nothing more, nothing less.

  • Patching Operating Systems

Operating systems are the bedrock upon which your organisation’s cybersecurity health rests. Regularly patching your operating system is the digital equivalent of home maintenance; it keeps the infrastructure intact and functioning optimally. Timely updates fend off attackers looking for outdated systems to exploit.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication

Two is better than one, especially when it comes to authentication. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring two or more forms of verification before granting access. It’s the difference between a quick check and a thorough pat-down in security terms.

  • Daily Backups

Imagine if all your data were wiped clean in an instant. Regular backups are the safety net for such scenarios, ensuring that you can bounce back with minimal downtime. Data backups should be done daily and stored securely, ready to restore normalcy after an unforeseen event.



Incorporating the ASD Essential 8 requirements into your cybersecurity strategy isn’t just a best practice; it’s a necessity in the modern threat landscape. Each element serves to weave a stronger fabric of security around your digital assets. 

For professionals eager to enhance their organisation’s cyber resilience, the Essential 8 provides a clear and actionable checklist. For business owners, it presents a guideline that can safeguard your livelihood from digital threats. The choice isn’t between whether to implement these measures, but rather how swiftly.

Siege Cyber is ready to assist you in deploying these robust cybersecurity measures. Dive deep into our comprehensive resources to bolster your defences and thwart the tactics of adversaries who increasingly seek to exploit vulnerabilities.

Protect, detect, respond – let’s elevate your cybersecurity posture together. Start with the ASD Essential 8 today.