
Ten Things You Should Know about APRA CPS 234

APRA CPS 234 is an Australian Prudential Standard that has introduced a set of requirements focusing on information security management for institutions. In today’s digitally-driven business environment, understanding and implementing the principles of APRA CPS 234 have become cornerstones for compliance officers, business owners, and CISOs across the country.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the intricacies of APRA CPS 234 and ensure you’re equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions about protecting your information assets.


In the wake of rising cybersecurity threats, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) developed CPS 234 — a standard designed to shore up the defences of the financial industry against information security incidents.

  • Key Objectives of APRA CPS 234

CPS 234 is grounded in resilience. Its primary aim is to secure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information assets. Ensuring the steadfastness of information systems against disruptions is central to APRA’s aims.

  • Scope and Applicability

Covering all APRA-regulated entities, CPS 234 outlines clear-cut compliance obligations. This ensures a uniform approach to information security across banks, insurance companies, and superannuation industries.

  • Information Security Governance

With board-level oversight, the governance requirements call for accountability in information security management. It’s not just about setting the rules; it’s about ensuring they are part and parcel of the organisational ethos.

  • Information Asset Identification and Classification

Entities must first understand what they protect. This involves mapping out data and systems, classifying them according to their importance and sensitivity, and enveloping them with the right level of security controls.

  • Cybersecurity Capability and Resilience

Organisations must adopt a proactive stance, enhancing cybersecurity capabilities to detect, deter, and respond to threats. Regular audits and improvement plans further fortify this pillar of APS 234.

  • Third-Party Risk Management

In our interconnected business landscape, third-party partnerships are inevitable. CPS 234 necessitates robust risk assessments and management strategies to govern these relationships securely.

  • Incident Management

When (not if) incidents occur, an entity’s response is pivotal. CPS 234 provides a framework for incident detection, response, management, and the all-important ‘lessons learned’ phase.

  • Security Incident Reporting

Timely reporting of significant security incidents is a statutory requirement under CPS 234. Quick, open channels of communication with APRA are essential parts of the regulation.

  • Compliance and Enforcement

Non-compliance is a serious matter. APRA acts as both a guiding hand and a disciplinary force, ensuring entities abide by the standard and safeguard Australia’s financial integrity.

  • Implications for Organisations

The strategic benefits of aligning with APRA CPS 234 extend beyond compliance. They include instilling customer trust, securing data, and upholding the reputation derived from robust cybersecurity postures.


Compliance with APRA CPS 234 is non-negotiable for Australian financial institutions — but it’s more than a checklist. Aligning with these standards is an investment in your organisation’s future security and prosperity. While challenges in adapting may arise, the value of preparedness and resilience cannot be overstated.

At Siege Cyber, we understand the nuances of APRA CPS 234 and offer tailored services to navigate this landscape. Our experts deploy industry best practices, providing the right tools and guidance to harness the full potential of this pivotal regulatory standard for your business.

For a deeper dive into how we can assist with implementation or improve your existing information security posture, contact us. Together, we can build a resilient, compliant, and secure future for your enterprise.